
My opinion on replicas

I am a website promoter,three months ago I came to this company which is really a big and beautiful company. Why do I say that it is a beautiful company? Because all the employees here are beautiful girls. That hears weird, but that's true. The products here are something about sports wear mainly in shoes. It is the first time for me to see some many kinds of shoes including air jordan, nike lebron, james, kobe, kd v, brand shoes etc. I was shocked by so many sneakers. There were lots of stuffs that I could not tell their name. That day I entered the world of business. 
But in the afternoon of my first day here I knew that almost all the shoes are replicas. This shocked me deeply. I thought I was engaged in an immoral work. But I really want to know whether the replicas have their market in this civilized world. If so can we say this world is civilized? Then I decided to stay. 
Few months passed, I had lots of customer here on the website I am engaged in. And also I have many foreign promote partners. That proves the replicas are accepted by most people. 
But there is another problem. As we know the quality of replicas must not better than the authentic. Or how will the expensive authentic go on in the harsh competed market? But to be a service person I have no right to say that. I can just say sorry once the customers complain to me about the quality. And we will try to process the quality problem and improve our products.
So in my opinion, all the things have reasons to live in this world. And I will try my best to do better with this work. 
At last I want you to know my website:
At last, I want to know your opinion on replicas. Please let me know your idea!

